
Swanu of Namibia

Word from SWANU President: Comrade Evilastus Kaaronda

Difficult journeys require good companions and the journey to any national elections is no easy walk in the park and SWANU of Namibia is indeed a good companion!  It’s been thirty-four years since Namibia became independent and the upcoming elections will be an opportunity for our people to not only take stock of the last five years of SWAPO mis-governance and abuse of public trust, but also to judge as to whether Namibia should continue to slide down the precipice of self-destruction.  Indeed, Namibia will go to the polls to choose a companion they trust and under whose leadership they want their future to be.

The land for which our people waged the liberation war remains in the hands of the whites; the slave like working conditions under the then South West African Native Labour Association continue to exist in a free and independent Namibia under labour hire; unemployment especially among the youth of our people keeps rising for the thirty-four years of independence; poverty and equality remain pervasive.  Employment must therefore be placed at the heart of economic and social policies and this is what SWANU of Namibia will do as a good companion in this journey beyond the national elections.

Our task with the upcoming elections is to connect with the voters on one to one, house to house basis as well as using all avenues accessible to us and present our envisioned Namibia in which its ancestral natural wealth will be commonly owned by and used for the benefit of all Namibians.

SWANU of Namibia has for the past sixty-four (64) years of existence consistently proven through its unblemished reputation that Namibians deserve a leadership that is principled and not tainted or compromised by corruption, self-enrichment and greed.  Our people deserve better and as SWANU being the party that initiated the journey to the Promise Land, it will deliver the Namibian people to that Promise Land

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